Welcome to Grace Assembly, a Reformed and Baptistic Church in Lynchburg, VA.

Jesus Delivered Us from the Wrath to Come

Pastor Dan Maddy I Thessalonians 1:9-10 I. Waiting for the return of Christ II. Whom god raised from the dead III. Jesus who delivered us from the wrath to come      A. The wrath to come          1. God has appointed a day           2. The judgment will be public and general           3. God
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Judges 1

Elder Justin Wilson
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Why Judges?

Elder Justin Wilson
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The Power of the Holy Spirit

Elder Dan Maddy I Thessalonians 1: 5-9 I. Pass memories of the Thessalonians conversion     A. The divine power revealed in the preaching of the gospel          1. Not in word only           2. The work of regeneration                a. The necessity of regeneration                 b. The
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