A.M. Kuriachan
AM is a missionary staff of Advancing Native Missions and serves as the co-ordinator for its ministry “Reaching the Remaining Unreached” in South Asia.

Rebekah Trittipoe, along with her husband, Gary, are two of the original members of Grace Assembly. After a diverse career in education, cardiovascular perfusion, and coaching, she was clearly called into sports ministry, recognizing that her God-instilled passion for athletics had set the stage.
As an Area Representative for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes in Central Virginia, she works with coaches and athletes as they pursue God together. Athletics is a tremendous platform for presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and applying biblical principles in and out of the competitive arena. She has particular interest in sharing His heart and her passion with fellow female coaches and their teams. Serving these coaches and athletes in the middle schools, high schools, and universities also opens doors for partnering with the local church in reaching the community for Christ. Grace Assembly is committed to supporting this outreach into the local schools and colleges.
No Walls Ministry
Grace Assembly is involved with the No Walls Ministry at Rivermont EPC. Some major aims of this partnership are to develop relationships with our brothers and sisters, to work together to help meet practical needs of our neighbors, and to build unity among several churches as a witness to our oneness in Jesus Christ.
Several Rivermont EPC members donate their time to this partnership and participate in various projects to improve conditions in this part of town. Our brothers and sisters at these nearby churches also participate in our Summer Bible School and other special events at Rivermont.