Welcome to Grace Assembly, a Reformed and Baptistic Church in Lynchburg, VA.

The Church is Unique in the Saving Purpose of God

Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2023

Elder Dan Maddy

I. Definition of my use of the word church
  • Local
  • Universal
II. Six reasons the church is unique in God’s saving purposes
  1.      Jesus established only one institution for the caring on of his redemptive purpose
  2.      Christ has committed the keys of the kingdom to only one institution
  3.      Jesus Christ pledges his special presents to only one institution
  4.      The apostles labored to establish only one institution
  5.      The apostolic teaching ascertains there is only one institution ordained of God to display his manifold wisdom
  6.      God designated only one institution as the pillar and ground of the truth
III. Application